Everywhere you look, people are on their phones. And when they’re not on their phones, they’re looking at their tablets. This is no secret, but some websites have yet to optimize their layouts and displays to properly fit on these smaller screens.

However, the time has come where this can no longer be put off. Internet users will only dig more into their mobile devices in 2021. And if your website isn’t set up to accommodate this, you’ll be in trouble.

You need to make use of every available tool to put your website in a position to gain the attention you need. More visitors to your website means more opportunities to convert customers.

Chances are that your competition is making use of some form of mobile-friendly considerations. You don’t want to be left behind.

Let’s look into why and how a mobile-friendly website is essential to compete in 2021.

Increased Use of Mobile Devices

It’s estimated that there are around 4.4 billion people on the internet. And of those people, it’s estimated that 2.87 billion people used a mobile device in 2020. That’s almost two-thirds of all internet users.

In fact, it’s been estimated that more people in the world own a smartphone than a toothbrush.

And this has changed the way people interact with websites. Gone are the days of sitting behind a desk, booting up the computer, and navigating search results with a keyboard and a mouse.

Most people explore the internet with taps and drags. And if your website isn’t set up to accommodate this method of exploration, users are likely to move along to a website that will.

The attention span of the average internet user is pretty short. They won’t tolerate a slow-loading website or one that is difficult to navigate. You could have the most attractive website in the world, complete with animations and buttons, but you stand to lose a lot of possible visitors if it doesn’t flow on a mobile device.

This tendency can be used to your advantage. Optimizing your website for mobile usage can attract this large section of the internet-using population.


Enhanced Customer Experience

A good, easy-to-use website that is also attractive will bring visitors back. This is a simplistic way to look at it, but it’s true. There is a lot more that goes into website design, but visitors will appreciate a website that looks good. Likewise, a website that is difficult will convince your visitors to go elsewhere.

Mobile-friendly websites are intuitive, easy to navigate, and attractive on a smaller screen. This translates to a better experience for the customer because they don’t have to scroll around to find the buttons, task bars, and menus. Pictures will be an appropriate size. And the website will load quickly and cleanly.

This is an important factor. A mobile website that takes a long time to load is likely to lose visitors.

The convenience of a mobile website is one of the main reasons people are trending toward heavier mobile usage. Being able to download a ticket to a concert, for instance, means your chances of losing it are drastically reduced.

Online shopping is another example of why mobile usage has increased so dramatically. The susceptibility of people to impulse purchases on their mobile devices can be a great advantage for ecommerce websites.

And having a website that is easy to use from a mobile device is absolutely crucial to converting these visitors into customers.

Better Rankings

Google’s search ranking algorithms take numerous factors into account when they compile search results. Mobile usability is one of the more important factors that are considered when someone searches for your keywords.

The increased visibility that comes along with this is essential to help potential visitors find your website. Afterall, you could have the best service in the world but no one will know if they can’t find your website.

This idea of optimizing your website for mobile devices is no secret. In fact, there’s a good chance your competitors are taking this into account for their own websites. Mobile usability is essential to remaining competitive.

You don’t want your competitors to have an advantage, so you need to make use of every available tool you can use. And making your website as mobile-friendly as possible not only gives you the advantage of a better customer experience, but it helps with search rankings as well.

If people can find your website easily, and then enjoy their time while they navigate it, you’ve already provided a positive experience for them before they’ve even engaged with your content.

